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How to Make GHS Labels in 3 Steps

If your workplace uses hazardous chemicals, remember that you need to have updated chemical labels that reflect the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) standard for chemical labeling.

GHS labels need to contain specific information, but once you know how to find that information and where to put it on your labels, label creation won't be difficult.


Here's how you can start creating GHS labels in 3 steps:

1. Familiarize Yourself with the GHS Label Format and Safety Data Sheet Contents

Globally Harmonized System labels must include 6 key elements to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication (HazCom) 2012 standard.


Every GHS label or container must contain the following elements:

  1. Product Name or Identifier: States the chemical's name so viewers see it right away.

  2. GHS Signal Word: Allows users to quickly determine the chemical's hazard level at a glance.

  3. Hazard Pictograms: Visually convey the hazards of the chemical.

  4. Hazard Statements: Phrase(s) that describe the hazards inherent to the chemical. These should be located within the safety data sheet (SDS) and are defined with an H-Code (e.g. H-101).

  5. Precautionary/First Aid Statements: Phrases related to each Hazard Statement that provide instructions for use or first aid information. Much like Hazard Statements, these will be defined with a P-Code on the SDS Sheet (e.g. P-101).

  6. Company Name, Address, and Phone Number: States the manufacturer's name, address, and phone number.

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GPS Pictograms

GHS Pictograms:

Let's examine part 3 of the GHS label, the hazard pictograms, a little more closely. There are 9 GHS pictograms that identify risk in 3 categories: Physical, health, or environmental.


Your label may contain one or multiple pictograms depending on the hazards presented by the chemical.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)


Safety Data Sheets (SDS):

The information you need to make a GHS label is included on a chemical's safety data sheet (SDS), which you should receive from the manufacturer. All the necessary details can be found in the "œProduct and Company Identification" and "œHazards Identification" sections of the SDS (Sections 1 and 2). Look for company information, required pictograms, H/P-codes, as well as any relevant first aid, handling, and storage instructions.

  • Section 1: Product and Company Identification - Product Name, CAS # (where applicable), Manufacturer Name, Address, and Phone #

  • Section 2: Hazard Identification - Hazard Pictograms, Signal Word, Hazard Phrases, Precautionary/First Aid Statements, Storage and Disposal


2. Collect the Information for Your GHS Label

Collect the Information for Your GHS Label

Once you've familiarized yourself with the 6 parts of a GHS label and where to find that information on a chemical's SDS, you can start compiling specific information to make your first label. We've provided examples of where you can place this information on your label.

Start with the basics:

Product Name & Manufacturer Information

  • Product Name: Begin by finding the product's name and any relevant CAS # located in Section 1 of the SDS.

  • Manufacturer's Info: Manufacturer's information is typically located at the end of Section 1. Include the name, address, and phone #.


Next, determine which hazard pictograms are necessary.

  • Hazard Pictograms: Pictograms can be found at the start of Section 2 of the product's SDS.


Finally, find the necessary information pertaining to the chemical's hazards

Signal Word & Hazard/Precautionary/First Aid Statements​

  • Signal Word: Located in Section 2 of the SDS. Will state either Warning or Danger.

  • Hazard, Precautionary, and First Aid Statements: Include any/all Hazard, Precautionary, and First Aid Statements listed in Section 2 of the SDS. The actual "œH" and "œP" Codes do not need to be written (e.g. "œH-100: Causes eye irritation" would be written as "œCauses eye irritation").


3.-Format and Print you GHS Label Using and Printer

3. Format and Print Your GHS Label Using an Printer

Now you can use the information you collected to create a custom GHS label. To print you can either use a software program you're familiar with such as Microsoft Porwer Point, Word or GHS Label CreatorEither program will let you enter your data and format the template to your liking. There is no exact required format for GHS labels, but they still must contain the 6 required label components.


The sample label below shows a possible label format.


The easiest way to transfer your chemical's information from the SDS sheet is to copy and paste it from the SDS to your label template. Once you've moved the text, you can format it to better fit your template. GHS Label Creator has preformatted GHS templates you can use to build your label. You can also create a template yourself. In Microsoft Word, for example, you can simply use text boxes and shapes to add the information you need.

Tips for Printing Labels:

  • If your printer only prints in one color at a time, consider using pre-printed GHS label supply that includes red diamonds for hazard pictograms. This way, you can just print the black symbols and text to complete your label.

  • If you plan to print on label supply that contains pre-printed red diamonds, but your chemical will not use all of them, you will need to cover the extra diamonds completely using a black diamond. To do this within your label creation software, you can insert a black diamond over the red outline by choosing "œInsert > Shape" or "œInsert > Picture" (depending on the software you're using).

  • When adding hazard, precautionary, and first aid statements to your label, you may need to reduce the font size to fit all the information you need. Remember, you don't need to include the H or P codes, just the statements themselves.

  • Make sure product identifiers/chemical names and signal words are noticeable. We've used bold, all caps text in the example above.


Watch a Practical Tutorial o Video made by Seguripro!

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Start with this basic Version creating fantastic GHS  Labels.

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